Trump Says He Will Leave Business To Fully Focus On Presidency President-elect Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that he is drafting "legal documents...[to] take me completely out of business operations." He said he will hold a press conference in two weeks with his children to explain it. Many ethics experts say he would need to liquidate all of his holdings and sell them to non-family members to avoid conflicts. At this point, his plans are unclear. President-elect Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that he is drafting "legal documents...[to] take me completely out of business operations." He said he will hold a press conference in two weeks with his children to explain it. Many ethics experts say he would need to liquidate all of his holdings and sell them to non-family members to avoid conflicts. At this point, his plans are unclear. Business
President-elect Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that he is drafting "legal documents...[to] take me completely out of business operations." He said he will hold a press conference in two weeks with his children to explain it. Many ethics experts say he would need to liquidate all of his holdings and sell them to non-family members to avoid conflicts. At this point, his plans are unclear.
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