Overall, the organization of the COMESA summit is correct. Shells causing inconvenience to the players, however, are correct for the appointment francophone.
Can do better. The curtain will fall on that day, on the summit of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). An appointment essentially economic eight days, during which, Madagascar was able to measure its performance in hosting an international event. Seen overall, the organizers of the first international summit that Madagascar hosts have not coped badly. Hiccups are nevertheless raised.
Of shells that may seem insignificant but, causing inconvenience to the actors of the international meeting. Flaws to correct perspective of the Francophonie Summit, November 22 to 27, however. On the facts of yesterday, the protocol order service should be reviewed, particularly about parking personalities. Obviously, the invitation cards were not accompanied by cuts lines showing where the guests car parking.
Only prestigious guests vehicle, senior state officials, or, diplomatic corps had access to the courts the international conference Centre (ICC), Ivato and allowed to park there. Several guests have presumably not been, prior, informed of this provision. Which resulted in some misunderstandings and irritations. To believe the information relayed by his staff Lalao Ravalomanana, mayor of Antananarivo, invited to the opening ceremony of the Summit of Heads of State, yesterday, complained of having been "verbally bullied" when she wanted to access the courts of CCI to his vehicle.
Always on access to the ICC, it seems that having invested in access badges stamped with QR-code, for accredited persons, was not necessary. Just, in fact, to present his badge without flash, to access the entrance portico is, however, strictly monitored, with scanner for bags.
Of shells that may seem insignificant but, causing inconvenience to the actors of the international meeting. Flaws to correct perspective of the Francophonie Summit, November 22 to 27, however. On the facts of yesterday, the protocol order service should be reviewed, particularly about parking personalities. Obviously, the invitation cards were not accompanied by cuts lines showing where the guests car parking.
Only prestigious guests vehicle, senior state officials, or, diplomatic corps had access to the courts the international conference Centre (ICC), Ivato and allowed to park there. Several guests have presumably not been, prior, informed of this provision. Which resulted in some misunderstandings and irritations. To believe the information relayed by his staff Lalao Ravalomanana, mayor of Antananarivo, invited to the opening ceremony of the Summit of Heads of State, yesterday, complained of having been "verbally bullied" when she wanted to access the courts of CCI to his vehicle.
Always on access to the ICC, it seems that having invested in access badges stamped with QR-code, for accredited persons, was not necessary. Just, in fact, to present his badge without flash, to access the entrance portico is, however, strictly monitored, with scanner for bags.
For media coverage, that at the press center, have Internet access either paying as much for national foreign journalists was disconcerting.
The journalists since the start of the summit, have also had to with organizations and implemented on the job. In terms of accreditation of national media, the commission in charge of this subject would have taken care to select the bodies to be able to benefit. Noting the limitations in the local media relay, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the initiative to make up for it and record new accreditations. Also, many of the journalists have the title of coordinator on their access badge.
On this accreditation pane, but for participants this time, an informed source confirmed that growl members of some delegations were recorded. According to the explanations of the source, however, online credentials were launched on time. Only the participation of several people would be decided at the last moment. What brought that they were forced to make accreditations once in Madagascar.
"It was not until the necessary equipment, they then had to wait," she says. Some would, too met such inconvenience for courtesy visa. The source explained that under normal circumstances, the visa fee. To top it is allocated free of charge. To reduce the shortfall, visas are granted on the basis of activities in which the person participates. "Some have seen their activities lengthened until the end of the summit. They then had to ask for a new courtesy visa, "said the source informed.
The language barrier is also pinned in certain situations. At a briefing with representatives of local media outlets yesterday Mamy Rajaobelina, general delegate of the organizing committee of the Francophonie summit said the COMESA summit, "serves as a laboratory of positives and negatives of the organization, as well as the necessary improvements. " At the end of these eight days, it seems that the shells are found above all in the details.
For media coverage, that at the press center, have Internet access either paying as much for national foreign journalists was disconcerting.
The journalists since the start of the summit, have also had to with organizations and implemented on the job. In terms of accreditation of national media, the commission in charge of this subject would have taken care to select the bodies to be able to benefit. Noting the limitations in the local media relay, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the initiative to make up for it and record new accreditations. Also, many of the journalists have the title of coordinator on their access badge.
On this accreditation pane, but for participants this time, an informed source confirmed that growl members of some delegations were recorded. According to the explanations of the source, however, online credentials were launched on time. Only the participation of several people would be decided at the last moment. What brought that they were forced to make accreditations once in Madagascar.
"It was not until the necessary equipment, they then had to wait," she says. Some would, too met such inconvenience for courtesy visa. The source explained that under normal circumstances, the visa fee. To top it is allocated free of charge. To reduce the shortfall, visas are granted on the basis of activities in which the person participates. "Some have seen their activities lengthened until the end of the summit. They then had to ask for a new courtesy visa, "said the source informed.
The language barrier is also pinned in certain situations. At a briefing with representatives of local media outlets yesterday Mamy Rajaobelina, general delegate of the organizing committee of the Francophonie summit said the COMESA summit, "serves as a laboratory of positives and negatives of the organization, as well as the necessary improvements. " At the end of these eight days, it seems that the shells are found above all in the details.
Garry Fabrice Ranaivoson