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Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Loobobilly Argentina News-Amid criticism, evaluate today to 1.4 million students

UNIONS, POLITICAL PARTIES AND PARENT ASSOCIATIONS NATIONAL CHALLENGE TEST. MACRI DEFENDED OBJECTIVE OF THE DAY - Paros in provinces threaten to wreck the operation. CTERA national protest for today and tomorrow.

 Amid strong cr or affiliation of teachers unions even take the form of work stoppages in some provinces, the Government of Mauricio Macri today and tomorrow evaluate 1,400,000 31,000 students from public and private schools across the country, in order to improve the quality of teaching. 

This is the national assessment "Learning 2016", an initiative developed by the Secretariat of evaluation of the Ministry of Education and Sports, which leads Esteban Bullrich. 

the strategy was agreed under the Federal Education Council , which brings together ministers provincial area. 

But the measure was harshly criticized by national and local teachers ' unions, denouncing the alleged official intention of creating a "school ranking" with "punitive damages" targets establishments and teachers. They also warn that the unions were not consulted and that, being standardized, does not reflect the context of schools and students, among other axes. 

The discomfort will take the form of days of national protest -for case, encouraged from CTERA for today and tomorrow -. and strikes in some provinces such as Santa Cruz, Neuquen, Rio Black (it not ruled yesterday a suspension of operation) and Tierra del Fuego 

yesterday came out to publicly defend Macri evaluation. " It will be a historic day", harangued, inaddition to stress that the intention is " to know what is the starting point in public education without deluding, and from there what training teachers need." 

So called "collaboration" of "parents , unions, teachers and governments. " "If you do not know the truth not going to be able to build solutions , " he said. 

In line, facing criticism from unions Bullrich that " it is a shame this position" because "it's like getting angry with an X - ray because the bone is broken ". 

" they want to promote a prejudice with fear that we will make a ranking or we will take data, but what we want is to have information to make better decisions , "he said. 


also banished the idea that the school has students with low levels of learning will be punished. " Onthe contrary, it will go with all ministry teams to help , " he said. 

The National Assessment "Learn" will be implemented between now and tomorrow throughout the country and will reach about 1,400,000 students in 31,000 public and private schools ( 840,028 of the 518,456 primary and secondary). 

the test will assess student performance in core subjects, in addition to gathering information on how to work at school (see infographic). Students who do not participate will not have class in most of the districts, although Chaco case will not be suspended, as in many private schools. The results will be known from the first quarter of 2017 school year, with students and schools anonymity, 

In the last hours, teachers and students reiterated their criticism of the assessment. For instance, the general secretary of the Teachers Union Argentinos (UDA), Sergio Romero, warned that "opens the door to systems that punish schools that are disadvantaged in the results, thus harming establishments have fewer resources or serve more complex "situations. 

for the time being , be involved in evaluating suppliers 31,365 (managers), 71606 applicators (teacher present in the classroom), 600 coordinators, 70 support people in large provinces and 48 in the evaluation units.
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