Apart from a strong script, another thing can determines you as a powerful speaker is-the way you speak. It is upon you how you speak powerfully to make a change in the world.
In a bid to become a great speaker in public or small crowds such as conferences, you have to move away from seven habits-Gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, embroidery and dogmatism.
Once you move away from these seven vices, people will take you as a credible speaker and trust in you. Always have valuable information to give to the people.
Julian Treasure, in one of his Ted Talks, said there are four powerful cornerstones to make powerful speech-Honesty, Authenticity, Integrity and love.
In a bid to register these emotions with the crowd, you will have to use these 5 effective tools to win the crowd and create an impact. Don’t forget to warm up your voice before speaking