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Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Loobobilly Zimbabwe News-Latest: Mugabe prevails, Msipa now set for Harare-Heroes Acre burial

The late liberation hero Cephas Msipa will now be buried against his wishes after President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF convinced the family to bury him at the National Heroes Acre instead of Gweru, it has been reported.
Msika who had requested to be buried next to his late wife in the Midlands capital will instead be buried by his nemesis, President Mugabe, at the country’s national shrine.
Below is a previous report on the case:


When President Robert Mugabe asked his deputy, Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to publicly announce the late Cephas Msipa’s  National Hero status, he hoped to bury his nemesis at the National Shrine.
But was not prepared for what was to come.
As if to embarrass the 92 year old, the Msipa family waited for Mnangagwa to announce that the late Midlands Governor will be buried by Mugabe at National  Heroes Acre in Harare.
Then they dropped the bombshell.
Thanks, But No Thanks!
Msipa will be buried in Gweru – in line with his wishes , this coming Saturday.
In so doing Msipa has denied Mugabe the opportunity to downplay and rectify the well publicised feud between him and the late freedom fighter.
Mnangagwa rightly described the late Msipa as a “frank and direct man” as he became very honest and critical on Mugabe’s controversial presidency in his last years.
Msipa repeatedly asked Mugabe to step down suggesting that this would protect his legacy as Zanu PF and Zimbabwe President.
The office of President Mugabe is yet to react to this latest public humiliation by the late Msipa who challenges and scorns Mugabe’s decisions in death as he did in life.
Meanwhile, opposition political parties, MDC and ZAPU, have praised  Msipa for his frank and courageous protests against the evils and short comings of President Mugabe’s government.
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