![Kharkov, Ukraine](http://s2.hvylya.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Harkov-Ukraina.jpg)
Many Westerners believe that Ukraine has the right to teach and put into question its decision. Ukrainians time to learn how to respond to such criticism. This writes the portal new time an American journalist, a former soldier who served in Afghanistan, Adrian Bonenberger. In the United States, my own country, many from childhood consider Ukraine part of Russia, calling it The Ukraine. If someone's grandmother or grandfather was born in Kiev or Odessa, on the question of the nationality they meet the "Russian". Ukraine - only a footnote in the Western history books, an integral part of various empires. Perhaps this is why the majority of Westerners coming to Ukraine, can not understand its culture. They do not see the Ukrainian revolution in the right context, looking at her through the lens bends. As a rule, this happens. Firstly, Western Europeans and Americans often repeated thesis of Russian propaganda, "Ukrainian - an artificial language, Ukraine - not a real country." Second, they often do in regard to the inhabitants of Eastern Europe such statements, which are other than not be called racist. This is especially noticeable in the discussions about corruption and how to Ukraine values human life and refers to civilians. Important: It should be posting articles and press releases? Make! Perhaps that is why many foreigners coming to Ukraine, feel free to teach Ukrainians. Those, in turn, are well aware of their own history - certainly not worse than the citizens of any other country, and much better than many, including US citizens, leading its roots to the beginning of the XVII century and the arrival of the pilgrims. Ignorance of the British, Americans, Germans, Italians, French, and so on a variety of Ukrainians misery for entire centuries did not lead to serious consequences for them - it's all part of the same frivolous contempt with which Westerners are the Middle East, Africa and the countries of Ukraine to Finland. "What is their story?" "I do not know. Russia. All this nonsense with Russia. " Ukrainians have become accustomed to such ignorance and ready to talk about how the history of their country is different from the Russian. Ukrainians respect the long-standing sense of brotherhood with other Europeans, which they look like physically, and culturally - it reminds them that the Russian - a recent page of Ukrainian history, and assures that the aversion to association with Russia justified. In fact, they are so eager to please western Europeans, that they forget the importance, if not fundamentally important, historic fact: in the twentieth century, Europe threw them. One time, when we remember how after the First World War, Britain, France and the United States failed to protect Ukraine from the Soviet Red Army. Twice, if you remember, what ended World War II. Three times, given the Budapest Memorandum - and it must be taken into account. It definitely should not miss. Ukrainians are not used to having to really to believe that they have a moral superiority. They used to be "younger brothers," for Russians, anti-Semites - those Jewish refugees who had just remembered that did met them Ukrainians in concentration camps, or fascists - some Europeans, carrying the entire nation the actions of individual Ukrainians during World War II they have developed a huge inferiority complex. It is so powerful and deep that Ukrainians do not realize that they are actually in his own right - that they, like Israel, could bring the story over the heads of people living in the comfort and security of Europeans and Americans so readily criticize Ukraine. Ukrainians need to understand and accept, if not for their suffering, not a burden, which they carried 80 years, it is likely that the Red Army would have gushed in 1919 in Austria and Germany. If not for their frequent and violent riots in the years 1944-1954 - the war with Poland and Russia, which killed tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands were deported - Central Europe would have been under the heel of totalitarian tyranny much earlier, and Western Europe could not survive. Western Europeans and Americans, who never had to deal with the Iron Curtain, even not aware of what their suffering defended Ukraine. They remain in blissful ignorance. So the next time an American or Western Europeans decide to read the Ukrainians a lecture on what the solution is now taking Ukraine, Ukrainians should not be justified, it is better to just say, "Well, if you had not abandoned us three times in the twentieth century, perhaps, and we would not have these problems. Oh, by the way, what have you done lately for us? Nothing? Thank you so much. What are you talking about? Go on, we will listen carefully. "