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Saturday, 22 October 2016

Loobobilly Palau News- Welcome to Palau

Image result for PalauMap of Palau
Palau is an archipelago of over 500 islands, part of the Micronesia region in the western Pacific Ocean. Koror Island is home to the former capital, also called Koror, and is the islands’ commercial center. Larger Babeldaob has the present capital, Ngerulmud, plus mountains and sandy beaches on its east coast. In its north, ancient basalt monoliths known as Badrulchau lie in grassy fields surrounded by palm trees.

The Republic of Palau is scenically magical. For such a tiny area of land, it packs a big punch. It's hard not to be overwhelmed by its extraordinary array of natural wonders: this is an archipelago of about 200 largely pristine limestone and volcanic islands, blanketed in emerald forest, surrounded by a shimmering turquoise lagoon. Unsurprisingly, diving is the number-one activity here, with truly world-class dive sites. Divers swear by Palau's exciting seascape, fascinating wrecks and stunningly diverse marine life – it's not dubbed 'the underwater Serengeti' for nothing.
When the underwater wonders have finished working their magic on you, there are other adventure options. Kayaking, snorkelling and off-road driving are fabulous, with the added appeal of fantastic settings. And for history buffs there are plenty of WWII relics scattered in the jungle, as well as a handful of well-organised museums in Koror, Palau's largest town.


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