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Friday, 21 October 2016

loobobilly News: Self-Checkout Could Soon Be Checking Out

Self-Checkout Could Soon Be Checking Out Those self-checkout machines in the supermarkets and other stores have remained pretty much unchanged since the 1990s. They still don't work very well. Why can't they get better? We take a shopping trip with the inventor who describes the issue as a cognitive problem and a shoplifting problem. Those self-checkout machines in the supermarkets and other stores have remained pretty much unchanged since the 1990s. They still don't work very well. Why can't they get better? We take a shopping trip with the inventor who describes the issue as a cognitive problem and a shoplifting problem. Business
Those self-checkout machines in the supermarkets and other stores have remained pretty much unchanged since the 1990s. They still don't work very well. Why can't they get better? We take a shopping trip with the inventor who describes the issue as a cognitive problem and a shoplifting problem.

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