Honoring your body is an aspect of practicing yoga, and it's a powerful thing to connect your breath with your body's movements. Once you're in the groove, you feel strong, alive, and content. Some yoga devotees take this to a whole new level by practicing their asana completely free of clothes.
To find out why folks prefer to practice yoga in the buff,
Practitioners of naked yoga explain the lack of clothes frees them from negative feelings about their bodies and allows them to be more accepting of their physical imperfections, like stretch marks, love handles, or cellulite. Others are nudists to begin with and feel more natural in their birthday suit, so practicing naked yoga seems more natural. Whatever the reason to strip and stretch, teachers and practitioners of naked yoga feel it's a way to find a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Plus, if you're naked, you don't have to worry about your gals falling out of your top in Down Dog, or wedgies from your underwear. Many classes are geared solely toward men or women, but co-ed classes are also offered. I like my yoga clothed, but to each her own.
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