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Thursday, 8 September 2016

Unsung Heroes Of The World To Inspire You

People draw inspiration from many sources. When you feel depressed inspirations ignite your inner flame with their immense capability. But what can be as instant and effective as inspirational stories? Every person has a story. But the most successful are those whose stories do count.Most of these people are highly celebrated.

There are songs which go unsung, but still can be heard. Take a quick glimpse of these stories. Have you heard of them before?
But the following are the stories of those who are not that ‘successful’ if measured in the scale of the quantitative judgments, but ask for the humanity to stare at them in awe.

These are the ways how a single person can change the world and you can be one of them if you want to be. Let’s know more about these lesser known human gems!
Aitzaz Hasan was just a school boy when he sacrificed his own life to resist a suicide bomber from entering his school premises. > Dobri Doberv is a 100 year old Bulgarian beggar who donates all his money to the orphanages which are unable to sustain.
Jong-rak is a priest who attached a box in front of his house to let the parents drop their unwanted newborns in the box in an effort to get these unlucky children a much more dignified life.
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